Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Is Smoking Tobacco Finally Going Out Of Style


Smoking tobacco has been around for a long time and it has never been frowned on in the past the way it is today. You could say that it is really gone out of style to smoke. Back in the mid twentieth century in the black and white movie days, smoking cigarettes was glamorized in almost any modern day film that was made. Famous actors and actresses had no problem sporting a cigarette in their hand when they were on camera or off. Even then some people thought it was a nasty and unhealthy habit, but it was widely accepted as just something that society did.

That is certainly not the attitude that smoking tobacco cigarettes or any other form of tobacco is met with today. This is mainly because the old idea that smoking was probably bad for you and the testing that was done then suggested it, now it has been proven without any doubt what so ever and most people have taken it to heart. They do not want to smoke themselves and they really do not want to be anywhere near anyone else that does it. If you take out a cigarette and light it up around some people today, you are likely to get an earful of why you should not do it first of all and why you are not going to do it around them.

You might even say that non-smokers have become somewhat snobbish about the fact that they do not smoke and they are really picky about being exposed to it. You can not really blame them when you consider the evidence that has been compiled about being exposed to secondhand smoke. Non-smokers do not necessarily want to stop those who want to smoke from doing it if they choose to, they just want to make sure they do it in a place that will have no affect on them. This means they do not want to have to breath it or to smell it. They do not want to have to pick up any nasty cigarette butts or even look at the nasty public ashtrays that used to be scattered almost anywhere you went.

These days you will not find smoking areas in shopping malls, hospitals, government building, schools, or anywhere that is considered public. If you are going to be around other people, you can just about bet you will not be allowed to smoke there unless it is in your own home or that of another smoker. You can smoke outside in your yard or in your vehicle. But smokers might want to be prepared for stricter laws concerning smoking in your car or even in your home if there are children there. It might not be a law yet, but it could be coming.

Consider to switch to electronic cigarettes for your health.



  1. Yea, I agree you. I finally switched to e-cigs. No tobacco, no tar, no smoke. It is widely known that tobacco-based cigarettes contain around 4 000 harmful chemicals including arsenic, ammonia, hydrogen cyanide and carbon monoxide. About 50 of these chemicals are thought to be carcinogenic. E cigarettes do not contain tobacco or tar and produce no smoke! I'm enjoining so much!

    Nicotinefree cigarettes

  2. I think that we should to change our life syle by using Electronic Cigarette instead of tobacco cigarettes......
